The Fight for Psychedelic Medicine: A Call to End FDA Corruption

Pen King
3 min readJun 6, 2024


By Pen King Jr., Co-Founder and CEO of Bonding Health

I have dedicated my life to discovering holistic solutions for ADHD, but my mission extends far beyond ADHD. Today, I must speak out against a grave injustice affecting countless individuals, including veterans who suffer from PTSD. The recent decision by an FDA advisory panel to reject MDMA as a treatment for PTSD is not just a setback; it is a glaring example of corruption and misplaced priorities that endanger the health of our nation.

Veterans Deserve Better

I personally know veterans who have endured unimaginable hardships. They would eat a pile of shit for a year if it meant they could finally feel better. Yet, the FDA, swayed by financial interests and outdated paradigms, has denied them a potentially life-changing treatment. SSRIs, the current standard for mental health treatment, turn individuals into “fat zombies” with chronic side effects. They require continuous use, making them a cash cow for big pharmaceutical companies, but they do little to truly heal those suffering from conditions like PTSD.

The Corruption of the FDA

The FDA’s decision to reject MDMA for PTSD treatment is a stark reminder of the corruption that plagues our regulatory bodies. Big pharmaceutical companies, with their vast financial resources, wield undue influence over these agencies. They are more interested in protecting their profits from SSRIs and other long-term medications than in exploring innovative treatments that could genuinely improve lives. This is a travesty, and it needs to stop before our mental health crisis spirals out of control.

A Nation in Crisis

The healthy life expectancy in our country is plummeting to third-world levels. Obesity is approaching 50% of the U.S. population. We are killing our own people, not just through poor dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles, but through the systematic suppression of potential life-saving treatments like psychedelics. Psychedelics have shown immense promise in treating mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, addiction, and PTSD. They offer a path to healing that is not dependent on lifelong medication but on profound, transformative experiences that can rewire the brain and restore hope.

The Promise of Psychedelics

Psychedelics are not just drugs; they are tools for healing. Substances like MDMA, LSD, and psilocybin have been shown to alter mood, thoughts, and perceptions in ways that can break the cycle of mental illness. For many, these substances have provided relief where traditional medications have failed. They can offer lasting benefits after just a few sessions, unlike SSRIs, which require ongoing use and often come with debilitating side effects.

The Urgency of Decentralized Science

Decentralized science (DeSci) must be accelerated and prioritized. By promoting open and transparent research practices, we can ensure that promising treatments are evaluated based on their true therapeutic potential, free from the influence of corporate interests. DeSci allows for wider collaboration, quicker innovation, and a more inclusive research environment that prioritizes patient welfare over profits.

A Call to Action

It is time to demand better from our regulatory agencies. The FDA must put the health and well-being of the public above the financial interests of pharmaceutical companies. We need to embrace the potential of psychedelics to address the mental health crisis and save lives. Our veterans, our families, and our communities deserve nothing less.

Psychedelics are the answer to saving our people. They offer hope, healing, and a way forward in a world where traditional treatments have too often failed. The fight for psychedelic medicine is not just a scientific battle; it is a moral imperative. Let us stand together to end this corruption and bring the promise of psychedelic healing to all who need it.

Pen King Jr.

Co-Founder and CEO, Bonding Health



Pen King

Early stage VC (digital health/life sciences) / Mental Health Founder and Advocate